Saturday, April 5, 2014

My Hair Regimen: All My Secrets and Tips

Just in case some of you guys are new to my blog. I use this as a forum to document my hair growth and my hair journey in general. I don't wear my hair out all the time but when I do I get asked a lot of questions because of my tremendous hair growth within a short time. July 30th will mark my second anniversary of my big chop & honestly I think my hair is doing pretty good. It's healthy, thick, strong and soft & most importantly it's growing. So here's my regimen on what I do to my hair now.


*After I take my hair out after a protective hair style- no matter how short- I always make sure I do an intense hair treatment. This is important because the stress of your hair from whatever protective hairstyle you've done needs to be showered with love ! There is not time to be lazy !

*Next pick a wash day. Mine just happens to be Sunday- so my hair is fresh for Monday : ).

  • Optional Step: This changes month to month. I always do a special treatment when I take my hair out. I alternate between Henna Treatments & Protein Treatments. If you are doing a protein treatment or any other special treatment like henna- this step comes first.
  • Pre-poo my hair : I use coconut oil to pre-poo. (Honestly I only do this when I feel like it or have time to do it .
  • Step 1: Detangle my hair with water in a spay bottle. I use a wide tooth comb to achieve this objective. Anything less I think my hair would probably break lol. 
  • Step 2: Shampoo. I personally prefer using my shampoo bars over my liquid shampoo. I shampoo two times to make sure my hair is squeaky clean ! 
  • Step 3: Oil Rinse. Choose oils of your choice & make sure your hair is coated in the oil. Ive been using the African Royal Hot 6 oil. (keep in hair for at least 30 minutes)
  • Step 4: Deep Condition: I love using the Shea moisture masque's for this ! It leaves my hair feeling oh so soft when I'm done ! (keep in hair for at least 30 minutes- I keep this in my hair for at least an hour minimum- then the last fifteen minutes I sit under my steamer- if you do not have one- you can use a hooded dryer with a shower cap on top of your head- or just put towels/heavy scarf on top of your head to maintain heat). 
  • Step 5: LCO Method- After I rinse out my deep conditioner I follow up with my leave in conditioner. (I usually use regular conditioner that's light/ or a leave in spray)- Then I follow up with a moisturizing cream and then an oil to seal my ends. 
  • Step 6: Style your hair as desired ! 

Hope this helps ! Remember taking care of your hair and making sure it's healthy is not going to be easy. It's time consuming and sometimes frustrating but I promise you it's really rewarding if you put forth the effort.

Stay tuned on my regimen for protecting my hair when my hair is in protective hairstyles !!

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