Monday, December 8, 2014

Garlic Oil for Shedding Hair

  Lately, My hair has been shedding something terrible. I mean like running my hand through my hair and nothing but strands and strands and strands. My hair normally sheds a lot but for the past couple of weeks it's just been ridiculous and has caused me a little concern. So I talked to a friend last week and she told me about this garlic shampoo? or deep conditioner? she has and told me garlic is supposed to help reduce shedding. After doing some research, I finally decided to give it a try and made my own garlic oil !

Benefits of Garlic/ Garlic Oil for Hair 

  1. Powerful and Efficient in getting rid of fungal diseases and germs on your scalp. 
  2. Can help cure dandruff. 
  3. It helps prevent against breakage and shedding and makes the hair roots stronger. 
  4. The selenium in garlic works with Vitamin E to improve hair health. 
  5. Rich source of sulphur, Vitamin E, C, B1 and B6, for proper hair growth and scalp protection. 

  1. Slow cooker or Saucepan
  2. Carrier Oil ( I used olive oil) (about 1/2)
  3. 4-5Cloves of Garlic (I cut each in halves)
Pour oil into slow cooker or saucepan and add garlic. Allow to "simmer" on high heat for about 1 hour if using cooker or low heat for about 30 minutes stirring occasionally if using a saucepan. Once done transfer oil into a container and Viola !!! Garlic oil !! 


  1. As a hot oil or pre-poo treatment 
  2. Add it to your shampoo or deep conditioner 
  3. As a rinse out 
*You can also just infuse the garlic in a container with olive oil for a week so long as you leave it in a cool dry place ! Or add other oils such as castor, rosemary oil, and tea tree oil for additional qualities. 

Enjoy your garlic oil !!!

*As of last week, this garlic oil may just be doing the trick in keeping my shed hairs at bay. I'll do an update once the month is over just to make sure*

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