Monday, December 15, 2014

Winterizing your Hair: Part 2

Let's be honest. Our hair just doesn't act the same way all the time. Depending on the season, we more than likely have to switch up our hair routines to meet the demands of our during particular times. As we continue our winter series, here are some helpful steps and tips that will keep your hair moisturized and in great shape during the winter.

1. Deep Condition

When applying your products look for products that have water as their first ingredient and stock up on more heavier products such as water based moisturizers and creams. Be careful of ingredients with humectants in it such as glycerin and honey during this period because they may end up making your hair more dry than moisturized.

2. Protective Styles for the Winter

I cannot stress enough the importance of protective hair styling. All protective hairstyles are not equal so it's important for you to find styles that work for you and to take care of your hair while it is being protected. Styles such as braids, twists, buns, wigs, weaves, are such alternatives you can use. For my sistas who don't like the hair extensions, buns and twists/braids on your hair still have the same effect. So get to protecting those ends !

3. No Wet Zone

Too much water in the winter can be a bad thing. Walking out the house with damp hair or wet hair is not ideal in such winter conditions. It takes hair longer to dry when its colder out plus your hair is more prone to breakage if it ends up freezing in the cold. Instead of shampooing every week, try limiting your washing to twice a month and co-washing in between.  Using a ACV spray is  great alternative to cleaning your hair without the fuss of a wash. Who wants icicle hair follicles?

4. Say no to Heat

Winter = more heat. Our homes, offices, buildings have the heat up and roaring during these months which can dry up the moisture that's in our hair. Try doing styles without the blow dryers, flat irons or curling irons.

5. Moisturizing your Ends

It's so easy to forget that the ends of our strands need the most moisture. We've all been guilty of this. Yes WE ALL. But the hair gods have forgiven us and we shall continue to moisturize those ends at least 2-3 times a week. Using a heavier butter is most ideal because they have a harder time drying out than lighter oils. Also don't forget to moisturize in general. That should be your only best friend in the winter.

6. Cool Water

Try washing/rinsing your hair off in cool water versus hot water. This way you can make sure your hair isn't stripped off all it's moisture and the heat won't dry it out.

7.  Less Alcohol Based Products

Using products with less alcohol content will help make sure that your hair does not end up dry and brittle.

8. Humidifier

Living in a place with either a harsh dry or winter climate can take a toll on your hair. For winter purposes, using a humidifier at night will impart moisture back into the hair making it a perfect breeding ground for your hair.

How do you protect your hair in the winter? Hope these tips help !

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